Thursday, 24 February 2011

Cold showers...

In an attempt to acclimatize to the cold waters of the English Channel, we have started taking cold showers after our sessions...

This morning we managed 6 minutes ... although i'm not sure how we'll cope when Justine has to shoot off to get to work ... I'm not convinced i'll be able to stay in so long without her challenging me to keep the water cold!! We also raise a few eyebrows in the showers as people can't really understand what we are doing!!

I had attempted a cold bath last weekend.. but that was sooooooo painful i think we need to build up to that one!! I had serious claw foot going on!! .. i'll keep you posted on our progress!

A little bit more press

The Evening Post have done a little piece on us and all the people helping us...

Justine and I would like to say a MASSIVE thanks for all the support and help from everyone involved in our challenge.. you have all been amazing!!

Friday, 11 February 2011

24 miles in 24 hours swim...

Ok.. so we may have taken leave of our senses but we've entered a killer event this week in preparation for The Big Day!

The event is being held at Guildford Lido (which is a lovely heated outdoor 50m pool!) and the challenge is to swim a mile, every hour, on the hour.. for 24 hours ... eek!!

The first year the event was held only 7 people completed the challenge.. so its not to be underestimated!

We figure that it would act as a great warm up (!?) to our channel swim and will help us get used to stopping and starting.. and trying to re fuel while resting... which, for this event won't be for very long!... i am guessing at a steady / easy pace we'll be getting about half an hour rest each hour!

Its on April 30th ... we'll let you know how we get on!