Thursday, 30 June 2011
A massive massive thank you to everyone!
So I think I've just about recovered from Just and Kate's fundraiser on Saturday night at the Lady Bay pub. We had the most amazing time and you guys were so so generous that we have raised nearly £1000 - OMG!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!! Kate and I hope you had as much fun as we did and the feedback from the disco and karaoke DJ's went a little like this "this is the best party and best audience we've ever had" and consequently they continued to play music free of charge for another couple of hours...much to the delight of Emma "tiggerrrrrr" Trent - that girl just bounced all night - respect!
Monday, 20 June 2011
The journey not the destination...
As the swim gets closer and the nerves start to kick in I got to thinking about everything we have done and achieved over the past year. I know nearer the time things will get a bit manic and I will be that nervous that stringing sentences together will be a real challenge so I thought I'd write this now!!
It really has been life changing.
Whatever the final outcome of our Channel Swim Challenge I know that both Justine and I have done everything we can do to prepare for this swim. I know that there are people out there that have trained for years to attempt this challenge, and that many people commit their whole lives for a good chunk of time to achieving this dream. This was never our plan. We set out to show that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things... and our aim was to show how working towards a dream could fit in nicely around our work and family commitments.
It hasn't quite worked out that way!
As the months went on we have both come to realise that its not that easy to do this level of training whilst holding down a full time job, feeding and entertaining partners and family, and trying to maintain some form of life outside of the pool / river / lake!
... but we have tried to stay as normal as possible! (!?)
We have had to adapt normal channel swim training to fit around our life and work commitments... most Channel swimmers head to Dover most weekends to Swimmers Beach to join Freda Streeter and her team for some training. Justine and I have not yet managed to make it to Dover due to one thing and another, but we are planning on going in July for the weekend a couple of weeks before the big day! Until then we will continue to train in the River Trent in Nottingham, racking up the miles in the coldest water we can find!!
We may find on the day, that we wish that we had been able to go to Dover more often.. or any seaside for that matter. But I know for sure that we are both ballsy girls and will attack any challenge thrown at us with guts and gusto.. so bring it on!! and what will be will be!
The training we have done to get here has been amazing. Our coach Nick Dunn has kept us motivated and challenged throughout.. working with him and getting to know the rest of the Virgin team (Lucy, Richard, John, Sally & Richard ...and anyone else in the pool or gym that chats to us about whatever we're up to that day!) has been real highlight of this journey for me...
The events we have done, (Eton 10km and the 24 hour swim at Guildford) have both been amazing .. both were excellent preparation for the channel, and both gave us the opportunity to meet and chat to other swimmers attempting similar challenges. The support of these people can never be underestimated... the number of supportive emails and messages and Facebook postings that have helped through out this experience has been amazing. I find myself checking blogs and profiles to see how all these new swimming friends are getting on with their challenges and can't wait to hear their stories of success when they achieve their goals! People I feel compelled to mention are Colin Hill, Brynn Dymott, Karen Throsby and Paul Bates.. you have no idea how much it has helped reading your messages and blogs!
The final point I wanted to make was about the way this challenge has changed me as a person. By putting myself through this whole experience I have come to appreciate just how lucky I am. Not only in that I am physically able to swim and enjoy it, but also to have the support network I have in my own family and friends (Emma has been just AMAZING throughout and I couldn't ask for a better wife!) and Justine and her gang... not to mention work friends (who have been bloomin' brilliant in my quest to fatten up and generally being supportive and understanding when I come in smelling of chlorine or pond weed!), gym friends, and people in general that show an interest in what we are doing and why we are doing it. I feel truly blessed!
A massive thanks must go to the gang at South Nottingham College for having faith in us and getting us sorted with our support boat and many other things!... Carrie Eames we have you to thank for helping us get the sponsorship from the college (and getting us hooked up with the BBC and many other things where Justine and I have to parade ourselves around in our swimming cozzies!).. and not forgetting Kimberley Caravans for helping us with our accommodation when we're doing the swim!
I can't finish this without mentioning Justine... It was all her idea after all!
Seriously though Just, you have been brilliant! I know there have been plenty of times when you must have really hated me and nick... and the sessions we would bring to the pool, but without fail you cracked on and got on with it (with only a bit of a protest!) ! Your determination through this has been a real inspiration to me and I know that between us we make a pretty formidable team.
Which brings me back to the beginning;
Whatever the outcome of our challenge, it's the journey not the destination.
... and then can we go to the pub ;-)
Monday, 13 June 2011

So just to keep everyone up to speed with things. Firstly it's only 6 weeks until our big swim OMG! I'm starting to get rather apprehensive from time to time and last week I had to endure a mental battle with myself and for the first time I got really niggy in the pool (bad tempered for the non-welsh!). And to top it off I ended the week swimming in HPP regatta lake during an almighty thunder and lightening storm with hail stones the size of sprouts. Thankfully I live to tell the tale!