Kate and I decided that we have to embark on some cold water outdoor training. We have tried to ignore the fact that we're swimming in the sea and not a pool but every good thing comes to an end. So rather hideously we donned our bathers, red hats and goggles and foolishly jumped into Holme Pierrepont regatta lake with a number of other swimmers (in full wetsuits!) to embark on some outdoor distant swimming.
To be honest I was scared. My thoughts preceding the swim focused on:
What if I swim into a swan? What injuries will I sustain from a swan beak and wings - haven't people died in a human and swan dual?
Will I catch Viles disease?
Is there an equivalent of the Loch Ness monster? Stupid I know but it did cross my mind.
And weed. Lots of weed. How will I swim through weed?
Anyway, we survived. Kate was like a rocket and I took things a little more steady until I dealt with the above. The experience was strangely enjoyable but it was hard! My arms we're throbbing and I had a touch of cramp in my thigh and calf. I'm thinking that this could have been down to the cold or more poor technique at the start of the session. But training with Kate is great and a real motivation. We swam just over 2000 metres which is a good start and we were in the water for about 50 minutes. So same time next week?
You're both inspirational! the Keswick swim looks stunning, although i guess you weren't focusing on the scenery at the time!